Much larger than anything you could ever. “There are much larger… forces at play here, Gordon. The Nihilanth was but one single… variable in the equation.” Freeman you do not seem to… understand the situation. “-things are looking to be quite grim for humanity.” I cannot say much about that as I do not keep a close eye on any… one group of… beings. You do not want any niceties at the moment. lol hi sorry for the wait!! a lot has happened this past month but im back!! and trying a slightly new way to do this but ooo new important gman stuff half life half life au half life void au gordon freeman gman half life hlvoid < new tag They are what always lurks in the… shadows. But you have no idea what the Employers are… capable of. Gordon doesn’t know how to respond as G-Man walks away and opens a door portal. The Employers are all powerful beings, the two of us alone cannot… compare to them.

G-Man is caught off guard by Gordon’s offer. “No.

Gordon processes this new information and signs a reply. I am forbidden to discuss such… personal. G-Man lets out a pained groan and brings his hand up to his face to soothe the pain. I work to… keep them safe,” he explains, a sad tone can be heard in his voice. I cannot give you many details, but there is… someone I care deeply for that is being… held. There are many beings that my Employers are… interested in,” he shares. But you are not the only one here, Dr… Freeman. G-Man thinks to himself for a moment then turns to face Gordon. I might have missed a few Gordos that I like but i’m not sure since I was just going through my tag, nonethless, no matter if youre on this list or not EVERYONE has such fun designs and ideas/headcanons and I love y’all for making this little community so much fun to be in :) Keep it up you glorious basards (affectionate). Gonna y’all in order of appearence (hope its okay!) !!! Seriously though, every single design I see out there for Gordon, even if its still quite similar to his in-game model, is all so unique in their own little way and I love y’all for that!! There’s so many differen’t Gordons out there it’s amazing-! So here’s a buuuunch of peeps with cute Gordons AND really good blogs, go check em out!! What if I drew a bunch of Gordon designs that I really like and also orbified them? haha just kidding… unless :#0