
How to use uav in arma 3
How to use uav in arma 3

This seems to work only once per selecting this action menu option. New target opens the map screen and lets you place a new target point for the drone to circle around by clicking on the map. To exit this view press, Esc wont help, action menu is also not available. You can switch camera mode, place a map marker and move the target point. It will always just circle around a target point on the map, but you can control it's flying altitude and the radius of the circle. From this view the drone can be controlled.

how to use uav in arma 3

Camera feed opens a full screen camera few of the drone. There also some other things that can be checked/set while the drone is on the ground, but besided battery status the other things just seemed to be for "realism" (system checks and stuff). is a three digit number, probably the RC frequency of the drone, might be changable when the drone is on the ground, didn't try that though. The GCS has some action menu entries, structured as follows: It will not appear in the inventory, drop it via action menu You can do so to carry it around, but to use it you need to drop it again. Next to the assembled UAV a terminal will appear call GCS.

  • Backpack action menu " Assemble RQ11 B Raven".
  • Note that the backpack will appear to be empty.

    how to use uav in arma 3

    I'v looked into it and found that the RHS drone is a little counter-intuitive to use, so I decided to post a short guide (I hope there isn't already one, otherwise sorry, I didn't find it)

  • I overheard last night that the RHS UAV operator in the "Second Breakfast" mission had no UAV terminal and no UAV in his backpack.

  • How to use uav in arma 3